This website is best viewed in web version. I am dedicated to the preservation, protection, and study of wild Mustangs. While I strive to have 100% accuracy in all of my facts and everything you will read here has been painstakingly researched and is all from reliable sources, if you find something that you think is inaccurate, please comment on it. Inappropriate comments are not published. Thank you!
Our Mission: To Change BLM Managment Tactics
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“It is incredible that one should have to furnish any argument to bring about any laws to save the Mustang, but if there must be an argument let it be this: that of all the things that have played a part in the development of this country, except for man, the horse has played the most important and beneficial role. He portrays the West as all people like to think of it. He is the symbol of wild freedom to us all.”
-Velma B. Johnston, a.k.a. Wild Horse Annie (1959)
There is a battle going on in the United States of America that many people are unaware of. Perhaps they think it’s unimportant, that it doesn’t affect them. The battle to save America’s wild Mustangs isn’t just between soft-hearted horse-lovers and hard-working ranchers. It’s much more complex than that. And in the end… we could all lose.
First of all, I do not support the idea of ceasing all BLM management of wild Mustang herds because since ranching and urbanization has taken over the ranges, and since humans hunt Mustangs' natural predators, the Mustangs would eventually overpopulate, cause habitat degradation, and starve. I must say that in some places the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) helps to care for the wild Mustangs by rounding up herds in places where there's very little food and/or water, and by rounding up Mustangs that wander onto private land (land owned by people). Some people in the BLM sincerely want to protect the Mustangs. Many roundups go without incident; the Mustangs are herded off the range into the holding pens, vaccinated, freeze-branded, and then adopted by loving owners. The BLM has many different facilities, and many are perfectly fine and do help the Mustangs. In some places the BLM is a good thing.
But in most other areas, the BLM uses its authority to take advantage of the animals and the land in its care. Over the past nine years, 40% of the Mustang population has been removed by the BLM for no other reason than rancher and government greed. Alternative methods for managing Mustang populations are available (savethemustanghorses.blogspot.…), and yet the BLM does not use them to any significant extent. Roundup teams are paid roughly $350 for each horse they bring in (dead or alive), so the pilots often go to drastic measures to capture as many horses as possible during each gather. Entire herds of Mustangs (including newborn foals) are driven at breakneck speeds over land deemed too rough for vehicles. Mustangs and burros (wild donkeys) are injured during the roundups and many beyond recovery and must be euthanized. (savethemustanghorses.blogspot.… , savethemustanghorses.blogspot.…)
The BLM openly admits to holding approximately 50,000 Mustangs in captivity (roughly double than there are in the wild), and their finances are running out. It costs roughly $3,000 tax dollars to process a single wild horse for adoption, and hundreds are removed in a typical roundup. It costs around $100,000 every single day to feed the captive Mustangs. Many Mustangs in BLM corrals are in poorer condition than they were and would be in the wild, and some are starving. Almost no BLM facilities provide shelter for the horses held captive. The panicked herd stallions often fight each other in the small spaces, desperately trying to keep their mares together, therefore hurting themselves and others. "I'm assured repeatedly [by BLM veterinarians] that these horses are cared for," said wild horse advocate Elyse Gardner. "So why does it seem that it is the public observers that continually need to bring so many overlooked injuries, illness or orphaned foals to the attention of the BLM?" Again, alternative methods for managing Mustang populations on the range (so that they need not be removed and held in captivity) are available (savethemustanghorses.blogspot.…), but the BLM does not use them to any significant extent. This shows extreme shortsightedness on the BLM's account. They are wasting enormous amounts of money and causing animals to suffer when less expensive, more humane methods are available.
While many Mustangs do find good homes with kind people, many are sold to irresponsible owners who want to "break a wild bronco". Such owners don’t know how to handle wild horses, and are often injured. If the Mustangs are not adopted or sold, they are rarely ever returned to the wild. The BLM holds unadopted/unsold Mustangs in taxpayer-funded corrals until they either die of old age, they are euthanized, or the BLM gains the right to slaughter them. I repeat: alternative methods for managing Mustang populations on the range (so that they need not be removed and held in captivity) are available (savethemustanghorses.blogspot.…), but the BLM does not use them to any significant extent. The BLM would rather these animals suffered a slow death rather than use alternative methods to manage them.
Recent discoveries made by the National Academy of Sciences (… ,…) has found that by removing so many wild horses in roundups, the BLM is actually causing population growth instead of reducing it. By lowering the population to such an unnaturally small number, the herds become smaller than the carrying limit of the lands (the limit of how many animals can graze on the land before food begins to run out).With so much extra space, the species springs back as it would after a natural disaster or plague. NAS studies show that Mustang populations have been increasing by around 10% to 15% each year. For the BLM to continue their current operation, they will have to remove more and more Mustangs each year, therefore causing increasing population growth, and so on. The answer is clearly not to step up roundups yet again, but to find alternative means by which to control the population and to prevent Mustangs from becoming problems on privately-owned land.
Studies show that nearly 85% of the Mustangs are below genetic viability, meaning that they are inbreeding. By removing Mustangs and their genetic information from the wild, the BLM is forcing the Mustangs to inbreed even more.
Even with the rapid population growth (and therefore rising cost of roundups) if things continue in this manner, in about 50 years there will be no free-roaming Mustangs left. Wildlife biologists estimate that the Mustang will be extinct in the wild before the end of the century. Time is running out for the American Mustang. Will we let them become like the Quagga and the Tarpan, pale ghosts of memory? Your air won’t be any cleaner, your water won’t be any clearer, and your food won’t be any more abundant with Mustangs extinct.
After the many horrific photos and videos of the Antelope HMA wild horse gather being conducted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) contractor, Sun J, the BLM Review Team appointed to do an internal investigation (AKA cover-up) found “no violation by wild horse gather contractor of existing BLM policy and procedures” and Director Bob Abbey called for a “NEW NORMAL” for doing business.
1) The helicopter pilot for Sun J Livestock (owned by John and Jody Holmes of Vernal, Utah) is JoshHellyer of Sky Aviation (Worland, Wyoming). Sky Aviation does aerial crop spraying and fish planting (the helicopter lifts a container of water containing fish and empties the contents over a lake).
2) The BLM’s report states: “The gather contract solicitation requires that all proposals demonstrate a minimum of 1,500 hours of flying experience in similar projects for the proposed primary and secondary helicopter pilots.” Did Sky Aviation’s helicopter pilot Josh Hellyer have 1,500 hours of flying experience on similar projects? Does hauling equipment or containers of water or aerial crop spraying seem even remotely similar to rounding up wild horses?
3) What prior BLM experience did Josh Hellyer have other than hauling equipment in June, 2010?
4) At the Warm Springs wild horse gather in Oregon (where Blue Moon died), which was also run by Sun J, Laura Leigh was told that the helicopter pilot, Josh, was just learning. See how the helicopter and Sun J operated:
5) The BLM Investigative Report concludes: “Allegations that the helicopter is dangerously close to the horses or trap are inaccurate or exaggerated.” (In the following photo, it sure looks like the helicopter is close to the trap. It also looks like the rotor blades are close to hitting the ground.)
6) “There is no indication that the helicopter or crew was acting in a cruel or inhumane manner.” – BLM
7) “There is no indication the helicopter was flying dangerously low, too close to the horses, or in an unsafe manner.” – BLM investigation report
8) The BLM Investigation Report states that the helicopter “kept a safe distance” from the wild horses.
Photographs by Laura Leigh
9) 3 out of 8 pages of the BLM’s investigation report focus on ONLY one incident, the mare that fell on Jan. 27, 2011. This seems like the old “narrow the scope of the investigation” ploy. The report called the fact that the mare fell down “an unfortunate accident.” (Like she didn’t have a loud, 1500 lb. helicopter bearing down on her.) (In this link, the mare falls at 2:10 and the helicopter flies close to her at 3:14 and 3:40)
10) The BLM’s report states (regarding the Jan. 31 photos shown on 8 above): “BLM was unable to acquire images from the owner to allow for review and evaluation.” This statement is untrue. For one thing, the BLM could’ve easily seen the images on the internet and also here:
Laura Leigh, who took the photographs, met with BLM Schell Field Manager, Mary D’Aversa, and Ely District Public Affairs specialist, Chris Hanefeld, and offered to send copies of her photographs/videos DIRECTLY to the people doing the investigation. D’Aversa and Hanefeld wouldn’t identify who was doing the investigation, only that the investigators were “higher up” and from Washington D.C. On Feb. 1, Maureen VanDerStad of called Chris Hanefeld and informed him that the pictures taken on Jan. 31, 2011, were on Laura Leigh’s blog. Hanefeld told her that he didn’t have time to read blogs.
11) Laura Leigh took photos on Jan. 31, but was not at the gather on Jan. 27, when the mare fell. However, BLM Spokesman Tom Gorey didn’t get his facts straight, and stated: “BLM believes the photos were taken the same day of the video but from a different angle.” This was not true.
12) The BLM investigative report does not give the name of the BLM’s COTRs (Contracting Officer’s Technical Representatives). Nor does the report give the names of the members of the “public” the BLM team questioned. Since this investigation goes back to Oct. 2010, it includes the Warm Springs, Oregon gather, and most of the “public” who were able to get on the very limited attendance list were BLM “friends” who were invitedby the BLM.
BLM Director Bob Abbey’s “new normal” is the same as the “old normal”: The BLM’s continued assault on the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971.
Three of the four members of the BLM’s “review team” who did this “investigation” should be investigatedthemselves, ina Congressional investigation.
Lili Thomas, Gus (Victor) Warr and Al Kane, USDA’s AHPHIS veterinarian, were all part of a BLM “team,” whose conference calls and Alternate Management Options were obtained by the Freedom of Information Act by The Conquistador Program, a non-profit equine welfare organization in Phoenix, AZ. In these conference calls, they discussed using taxpayer money to pay for psychological counseling for BLM employees who would be euthanizing healthy horses. They discussed experimenting on our wild horses with unapproved drugs and using our horses for research. Also, in these conference calls:
Al Kane, a USDA APHIS veterinarian, would be sending info on SpayVac and GonaCon. It’s noted that SpayVac is “not commercially available; barely available as a research project; Indications it may be permanent in horses; It is unclear whether we can get it in the country. Alan Shepard will be working on this with Al Kane.
SpayVac has not been approved by the EPA or FDA for investigational use.
A single vaccination of SpayVac…could be permanent…Based on the Nevada estray horse trials…
The use of PZP under an investigational exemption…the products are technically challenging to mix and administer and their safety has not been confirmed by the FDA or EPA.
If large numbers of animals become eligible for euthanasia at one time or at one location…euthanasia could be performed on or off-site.
Under this option, any facility could become a focal point for public, media or Congressional attention. Increased levels of security would be needed at all locations, or the activity may need to be moved off-site to a more appropriate and secure facility. Increased support from public relations and management staff would also be needed to insulate those doing the actual work from public, media and Congressional scrutiny/criticism.
How many could be euthanized during a gather without having NEPA?
If proven to be permanent, SpayVac could be used to create non-reproducing herds of mares.
Adjusting sex ratios of herds: “Does it affect behavior and do we care?…
There are many reasons there should be a Congressional Investigation of the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program. Some go back to the 1990s. The PEER White Paper “Horses To Slaughter” (April, 1997) stated: “the BLM has tolerated and in some instances facilitated the routine and illegal trafficking of wild horses to slaughter…
This included “black booking” or phony double branding of horses so that duplicate branded horses could disappear without a paper trail. The agency obstructed efforts by its own law enforcement officers to expose commercial theft of wild horses, fraudulent adoption schemes and fictitious ‘sanctuary’ herds, not only to avoid embarrassment, but also to maintain the flow of horses off the range.”
An investigation backed by former BLM Director Jim Baca had “been accepted for prosecution by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Western District of Texas by the time he had left office. This investigation, by BLM law enforcement agents from New Mexico, centered around the direct participation of BLM employees and contractors selling wild horses for slaughter with the knowledge and approval of BLM managers. Their scheme involved the use of satellite ranches and horse sanctuaries to hide the horses for profit operation.
Troubling aspects of this investigation were the apparent obstruction and witness tampering by BLM managers. In some instances, BLM officials warned suspects of impending search warrants and revealed the identity of undercover investigators.
After Baca left office, the Department of Interior began a campaign to shut down the U.S. Attorney’s investigation, even though a grand jury had already been convened to hear evidence in the case. The U.S. Attorney was pressured into limiting the scope of the investigation to the actions of low level BLM employees.
After the investigation was limited, the BLM reassigned investigators working on the case and began a campaign to drive the original investigators out of the agency. When agency lawyers blocked the execution of subpoenas, it struck the death blow to the grand jury probe. The grand jury was cut off from getting the evidence it needed to continue.
Lawyers from the Department of Justice urged that the case be dropped because the tolerance within BLM for the horse to slaughter trade was so widespread that it would be unfair to single out any one person for prosecution. The Assistant U.S. Attorney objected, but the recommendations of the Justice Department lawyers were accepted and the grand jury was dismissed.”
Will there ever be any justice for our wild horses? Will there be any justice before they become extinct?
The anti-Mustang community (and yes, I'm finding that there really is a community of these people), is rather inconsistent in their beliefs towards wildlife, and all animals in general. Anti-Mustang people generally like to pick on popular animals simply because they're popular. Basically, if an animal is well-loved by the general public (such as wolves or horses), anti-Mustang people feel they have to hate it. It's not logical, but nonetheless it's how they act. As the treasurer of the Cloud Foundation once told me: "many of these people are just angry at the world."
Take the gray wolf, for example. Wolves are loved in pop culture, and there is a small group of people known as "wolfaboos" who believe wolves are more important than humans, that wolves never cause problems, etc., and on the far other end of the wolf spectrum, there are the anti-wolf (and generally also anti-Mustang) people who want to hunt wolves for sport. When the issue of whether or not wolves should be protected is brought up, the latter say that it doesn't matter if wolves die off due to human involvement. Take this quote that was taken from an anti-wolf (and also anti-Mustang) individual's blog post:
Statement #10: Wolves were here before humans, they have more of a right to be here than us. Truth: A lot of stuff was here before us, does that mean we should all go kill ourselves because of it? Million of species have gone extinct to reach the biological diversity that we have now. Nature didn't stop and say "Stegosaurus was here first, they have more of a right to be here!" No, the dinosaurs died long before man arrived. The weak die, the strong survive.
Okay, the original statement about wolves having more right to the land is a little iffy, I'll admit. What exactly does the person mean? Do they want humans killed off? Seeing as the anti-wolf/anti-Mustang person didn't tell us if it was the original statement or just her personal interpretation of it, we'll never know. However, the original statement is actually beside the point. Let's look at the girl's response.
The anti-wolf/anti-Mustang girl says that it doesn't matter if animals (including native animals such as the gray wolf) go extinct due to human involvement. Gray wolves are not an endangered species, but as you can clearly see from what she wrote, it doesn't matter to her if they were an endangered species. This is what Darwinism boils down to: the weak die, the strong survive. If one species is stronger than another (no matter if it is native to North America or not), she believes that the stronger species has more of a right to survive than the weaker one.
The funny thing is, though, that this girl complains about how successful wild horses are. She calls them "invasive," "useless," etc. She complains about how fast they can reproduce, how much area they can cover, etc. In essence, she openly admits that they are an extremely strong species. Here are some quotes taken from an anti-Mustang stamp of hers:
Horses are out there overgrazing 24/7 all year every year. The feral horses have been well documented for overgrazing as well as riparian destruction in their areas because their population goes unchecked -- the population increases 20% every year and doubles every 4 years.
The small reptiles and mammals that depend on burrows and brush cover to survive and breed are less abundant in horse-occupied sites (except for deer mice, a species known to thrive in disturbed landscapes). Another study found that bighorn sheep, a native ungulate whose populations have been in decline, avoid water sources when horses are using them. In fact, a study found 76% reduction in the number of groups of bighorn sheep using a typically preferred water source when horses were present. Pronghorn will not drink if they are forced to come within 3 meters of feral horses at the water source.
Here she is describing how wild horses have overpopulated some of their HMAs (Herd Management Areas), which is true, but she's erroneously implying that it is the case in ALL HMAs. It's not. Most HMAs are relatively healthy, especially the ones where fertility controls such as PZP are used. Fertility control is not ass effective in all HMAs as it is in some, but it is still much more effective than removals. She also implies that horses are causing mass extinction of small reptiles and mammals (although she neglects to mention that those same small reptiles and mammals are less abundant in deer, elk, bison, and moose-occupied sites as well as horse-occupied sites), and she implies that horses are causing the extinction of bighorn sheep and pronghorn. Okay, first of all, bighorn sheep and pronghorn are not threatened in the least bit. They're listed as "least concern: population stable." Horses aren't causing them any trouble. The sierra bighorn (Ovis canadensis sierrae), which is a subspecies of the bighorn sheep species (Ovis canadensis), is endangered, but due to hunting and habitat loss, not from waiting a few minutes at a watering hole. Unlike cattle, which will stand in a watering hole all day long, wild horses are constantly on the move. They generally do not stay in an open, vulnerable place like a watering hole for longer than half an hour, if that. Most leave after a five-minute drink. And (shockers) horses will also wait for other large herbivores to finish drinking as well.
In the past, both bighorn sheep and pronghorn were threatened, both due to hunting and human encroachment. Bighorn sheep were victims of hunting, mostly, whereas pronghorn were prevented from reaching their migration routes because of (you guessed it) cattle. Cattle ranches erect barbed wire fences around their land, and pronghorn couldn't get through. But thanks to kindly ranchers making "wildlife-friendly" fences that have a smooth wire along the bottom rather than a barbed one, pronghorn can now slip under and get where they need to go. Things aren't perfect for either of these species, but they're much better off than they were a few years ago, and wild horses had nothing to do with the problems or the solutions.
So it's established that this girl thinks horses are stronger than other species. So does she follow her own logic that stronger species should survive? Let's find out. In a comment on one of her anti-Mustang blogs (where she erroneously claims to be in the middle of the Mustang Spectrum), this is what she said:
The BLM and Forest Service consider taking care of horses a waste of time and resources, and they have very little money and manpower to do what they need to do as it stands. This is not something that is a priority for them as far as good time-management. If I were them, I would be shooting horses - and that's what they should be doing. Unfortunately, the public backlash would be unreal. It is possible that the shooting is going on and we just don't know about it.
I did not edit this comment in any way other than to add the emphasis. It is blatantly obvious how she believes Mustangs should be managed: "Shoot 'em! Shoot 'em all!" The idea of managing Mustangs in any other way than hunting is unthinkable to her. When horses becomes the least bit of a problem, she goes straight for her gun. How is that the middle of the Mustang Spectrum..?
But wait, she thinks horses are strong, doesn't she? She said herself that they are capable of outgrazing, outbreeding, and out...drinking(?) other animals. So how come she wants them dead? Because she personally doesn't like them. It's as simple as that. To anti-Mustang people, their own rules only apply when it suits them.
In essence, the weak die, the strong survive... unless you're a Mustang. Then you should just be shot.